Our computing curriculum is designed to equip children with skills and understanding to live in a technological world. We are currently using the Knowlsey scheme of Work. It has logical sequenced steps that will equip all children with the essential skills and knowledge they need to use technology safely and creatively. It has numerous cross circular links with art, mathematics, science and design and technology. When planning we ensure that children can build on their understanding, as each new concept is taught with opportunities for children to consolidate and reapply their skills and knowledge throughout the year. Each computing unit is planned to provide new challenges and variety, to ensure we keep the child’s interest at a maximum. There is a strong emphasis on improving computing/digital vocabulary, core fundamental digital skills and computational concepts. Our computing units are organised into a series of hour long whole-class lessons, with the children working together on the same lesson content at the same time. Every unit have reflection and assessment points, this ensures that all children can process and articulate the concepts within the lesson before moving to the next activity, with no pupil left behind.
Resilience: By debugging coding and programming, our children have to demonstrate resilience by persevering until they have found the coding errors or have made the correct programme to facilitate a function.
Respect: Throughout the whole school, we actively role model and promote respect. This is then further embedded when we talk about our online lives and how we show the same level of respect to others even in a virtual world.
Responsibility: As technology continues to advance in our world today, we model and teach children how to be responsible, both inside and outside of school. This ranges from identifying phishing attempts to using many apps in the correct manner.
The impact of our ICT curriculum will enable our children to leave school as young computer literates and be creative thinkers, particularly in terms of applying ICT to present their work in a range of ways.