Local Advisory Board

Local Advisory Board

Broomfield Primary School is a proud member of the Bradgate Education Partnership. Bradgate Education Partnership (BEP) is a local multi-academy trust, which provides significant support to our school.

For all details related to the Trust Board of Bradgate Education Partnership see here.
Statutory information including Trust governance arrangements can be found here .
Each school has a Local Advisory Board (LAB) that works closely with the Board of Trustees (the Board) of the Multi Academy Trust. The LAB comprises the Headteacher together with parent and co-opted advisors.

The LAB members at Broomfield Primary School meet four times per year to discuss a wide range of topics including the school curriculum, pupil attendance and outcomes as well as community engagement. In addition, the LAB members also play an active part in school life by attending events such as sports day, school trips, parents evenings and performances.

The Local Advisory Board key roles are to:-
• promote high standards and aim to ensure that students and pupils are attending a successful school which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being;
• be responsible to the Trustees for its actions and follow the expectations of advisors as laid down by the Trustees (Local Advisory Board Handbook);
• aim to establish that it is competent, accountable, independent and diverse that promotes best practice in governance;
• aim to ensure that its advisors promote and uphold high standards of conduct, probity and ethics;
Information on Local Advisory Boards including the LAB Handbook, Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation can be found on the Trust website  here:

https://bepschools.org/about-us/governors/ .

The Local Advisory Board for each school and the Trust Board all sign up to a Code of Conduct (NGA model) to ensure that honesty and integrity are at the heart of our governance. The Trust also leads termly meetings with all the LAB Chairs for the schools within the Trust, enabling all schools to give feedback to the Chair of Trust Board and the CEO.
Governance arrangements.

Please find a document detailing our LAB members’ roles and attendance at meetings in the previous year and our register of interests HERE

Governor Disclosure and Interest of Local Governing Body Members

Bradgate Education Partnership Please follow the link to look at the Governance structure of the Bradgate Education Partnership.

Statutory information including Trust governance arrangements can be found here –



BEP Statutory Information

Annual Accounts

Master Funding Agreement

Memorandum and Articles