Broomfield Primary School seeks to ensure that all their pupils received a full-time education which maximises opportunities for each pupil to realise his / her full potential. For a pupil to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly and punctually. Any absence causes disruption to learning and should be avoided if at all possible. Improving attendance at Broomfield Primary School is the responsibility of everyone in our community – pupils, parents, governors and staff. Our school target for attendance is 97%
Absent from School
If your child is absent for any reason from school, please contact the school using Arbor or use option 1 when ringing the school on 0116 2606704.
Procedures for following up absence / lateness
If a pupil is absent and no reason has been provided the school will contact parents and / or nominated emergency contacts, as part of the safeguarding procedure.
When a pupil is persistently late or absent without good reason and the School’s efforts to effect change have been unsuccessful a referral may be made to our Education Welfare Officer for further action.
The Bradgate Education Partnership Trust policy is that holidays in term time will not be authorised. Unauthorised absence of less than 5 days may be referred to Leicestershire County Council, and unauthorised absence of 5 days or more will be referred. A referral may result in Leicestershire County Council issuing a Fixed Penalty Notice.
Exceptional Leave
The school recognises that there may be times when a pupil requires exceptional leave during term time for short periods of time. In these circumstances parents are asked to complete the ‘Exceptional Leave Form’ to request an absence. These requests will be considered by the Headteacher on an individual basis.
Exceptional leave will not be authorised during examination periods (the months of May and June).
For all absence requests, please complete the form below: