EYFS New Starters


Come and visit our wonderful school – dates are available below:

Tuesday 8th October 2024 9.30am, 1.30pm or 3.30pm

Thursday 7th November 2024 9.30am, 1.30pm or 3.30pm

Welcome to Broomfield Primary School’s Foundation Stage!

We are really looking forward to meeting you and can’t wait for you to be part of the big Broomfield family. Your teacher will be Mrs Waldrom and our fabulous LSA Mrs Harrison will be working with you too.

Have a look at their welcome video below:


Mrs Harrison and Mrs Waldrom also like stories. Listen to them sharing a story with you below:

Mrs Waldrom’s story:https://youtu.be/719P2b0H8hE

Mrs Harrison’s story:https://youtu.be/NpDSr3lmCV4

To assist with your child transitioning into our school, this section of the website will contain lots of tools that you can share with your child, to allow them to become more familiar with our teachers and our school.

A Guide To Broomfield Primary SchoolThe Recommended School Dress Is APPLICATION FOR FREE SCHOOL MEALSCoolMilk Letter

We have also attached lots of lovely ideas and activities that have been published by our Multi Academy Trust. These documents also give guidance on how you can support your child, in the home learning environment, to help with school readiness.