
Broomfield Admissions

It is never too early to register your child for school.  Bradgate Education Partnership is the admission authority for the schools in the multi-academy trust.   We actively encourage all parents to visit the school if possible. We would also encourage parents to have a conversation with our Headteacher before applying for a school place.

The school follows the admissions policy of Leicestershire County Council, a copy of which is available from the school office or a copy can be downloaded from the Leicestershire County Council website.

School Admissions Policy:

Broomfield Admissions Policy 2025

Broomfield Admission Policy Aut 2024 V2


For School Admissions – please follow this link:

You will need to register online, as well as completing the Broomfield School Admission Form below.

GDPR Broomfield Primary School Admission Form

Mid-Term (in-year) Applications

Bradgate Education Partnership schools participate in full with the Local Authority’s co-ordinated policy, which can be found here:

To discuss a visit to our school please contact the school office, or to discuss the application process please contact the Local Authority on 0116 3056684.

School Admission Appeals – please follow this link:

Bradgate Education Partnership schools use Leicestershire County Council’s appeals service to conduct their appeals.  The council’s procedure and timetable for appeals can be found here:

Over Subscription Criteria

Late applications

Any applications received after the closing date will be accepted but only considered after those received by the closing date. You are therefore encouraged to ensure that your application is submitted on time.

All supplementary information, such as medical letters to prove change of address, remains the parents’ responsibility to supply.

Fraudulent information

If a place has been allocated on the basis of fraudulent or intentionally misleading information, the Academy’s governors reserve the right to withdraw the place.

Fair Access Protocol

The Academy will participate in full with the Local Authority’s Fair Access Protocol in order to ensure that the most vulnerable children are offered a place at a suitable school as quickly as possible.

Our Pupil Admission Number is:

30 for 4+ EYFS

This will continue to be the school admission number for the subsequent years.

We currently have 8 classes which range from 19 to 31 pupils per class.  Children start at Broomfield in the Autumn term following their 4th birthday.  The children attend mornings only for the first two weeks, then they are full time from the third week.

We are pleased to welcome you to our school via our website. At Broomfield we encourage all prospective parents to take a look around our school as there is no substitute for an actual visit.